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Banca Generali, the leading actor at "Premio Internazionale Le Fonti 2015”"


Banca Generali has been the leading actor at the  international award "“Le Fonti” 2015", the event was celebrated on Thursday 11 of July at Palazzo Mezzanotte, international office of  Milan Stock Exchange. Attended the event were many asset management and national financial sector. This year’s edition kicked off the recognition highlight of the evening: Best CEO of the year. The award, went to doc. Piermario Motta, official Banca Generali CEO, rewarded for the last 3 years achievements and for his dynamic and strategic vision of growth.

The prize was rewarded with a significant statement: “"Perfect leadership and charisma in leading Banca Generali group, from the prices to the record income of the last years. Setting up and shaping a motivated sales network, believing in human capital, Mr. Motta increased the number of people who work for the group (especially women), creating a solid foundation with the best Italian and foreign operation”."

Banca Generali has even received a nomination for the “"Best Innovation Bank Of The Year”" award. This specific nomination rewards the effort and the extreme attention towards the technological investors, thanks to which grows a new model of consulting, as explained by the jury:

"“For the historical record of income and net profit of the last year, for the strategical partnership and acquisitions as the Italian branch of professional private  banker of Credit Suisse. For the attention to technological investments for a new model of consulting and for the product innovation thanks to the successful project “BG Stile Libero”."

International Prize “Le Fonti”, in its V edition, (under the asupices of the European Committee, and the Province of Milan), is a part of IAR AWARDS ceremonies, with stops at Hong Kong, New York, Dubai and London, and reflects the elaborate selection of Centro Studi, the Institute of Science and Culture, and financial newspaper “Finanza e Diritto” and "“L’'Investitore”", based on a survey spread from over 40.000 qualified leads from all the professional and businesses of the world.

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